Great Yarmouth Borough Council is preparing a new Local Plan to replace the existing Core Strategy and Local Plan Part 2 and is now undertaking a consultation to help inform the preparation of the new plan.
This consultation aims to get views on some of the key matters the new Local Plan will need to contain. The consultation comprises a series of questions to help the Council prepare the Local Plan.
The consultation seeks views on how much development we should be planning for and where that development should go. The consultation also asks questions on what infrastructure is needed and what planning policies we should have to manage new development.
The consultation can be viewed here:
Comments can be made by using the interactive document available at the above link.
Alternatively, responses can be sent to [email protected] . The Council will also accept responses by post to Strategic Planning, Great Yarmouth Borough Council, Town Hall, Hall Plain, Great Yarmouth, NR30 2QF.
A drop-in event will be held in the Assembly Room at the Town Hall on 26th January from 4pm to 8pm where members of public can come and talk to planning officers about the consultation and give their views.
Responses are being invited until 23:59 on 17th February 2023.
If I can assist any residents with this, or any other matter, please do contact me at [email protected] or call me on 07399 372997.