The NHS Covid-19 vaccination programme has been continuing at pace, with GP surgeries and the James Paget Hospital administering vaccines at a phenomenal rate. I am always particularly proud of Millwood Surgery in Bradwell North and the hard efforts staff go to, to ensure all residents receive the best support possible. I always enjoy meeting residents and NHS staff every Saturday morning with Cllr Carl Smith. It makes fantastic community spirit!
Norfolk and Waveney has now seen 54% of its adult population receive their first vaccine dose.
The specific number of people receiving their first dose is (up until 14th March 2021):
- Norfolk and Waveney - 457,000
- Great Yarmouth - 43,950
Additionally, 23,582 people in Norfolk and Waveney have now received their second dose.
A number of vaccination sites across Norfolk and Waveney will now temporarily offer a ‘drop-in’ vaccination clinic where no appointment is needed.
People over the age of 55 who have not already booked or received their first dose can attend the following vaccination sites on dedicated days and times; just turn up with a valid form of ID to confirm your age and where possible, your NHS number:
- The Inspire Centre at The Queen Elizabeth Hospital NHS Foundation Trust (QEH), King’s Lynn, PE30 4ET, 8:30am to 7:30pm, Tuesday 23 March and Friday 26 March 2021
- Beccles Medical Centre, St Mary's Road, Beccles, NR34 9NX, 10am to 12noon, Sunday 21 March 2021
It is hoped that this drop-in pilot scheme will encourage people from younger age groups and harder to reach communities to access vaccinations in ways which are more convenient and accessible to them.
People attending the drop-in clinics must live in Norfolk and Waveney and within a 20-mile radius of the site they are attending.
People in priority group 5; those aged 65-69 years old, priority group 7; those aged 60-64, priority group 8; those aged 55-59 and priority group 9; those aged 50 to 54, who have received a letter inviting them are also encouraged to book a vaccine appointment through the national website or by calling 119 if you can’t use the internet.
GP practices will also be vaccinating these groups, so anyone who doesn’t want to or can’t make it to one of these centres can still choose to wait to be contacted by their local GP practice. Please do not contact your local GP practice or hospital; but wait to be invited.
People in priority group 6, and those that are Clinically Extremely Vulnerable, should continue to wait for their GP practice to contact them; as soon as you are offered an appointment, please accept the invitation and attend for your first and subsequent second dose. This priority group also includes carers and unknown carers whose details are being captured and sent across to GP practices.
In the future, further options will be added for people to choose as to where they receive their vaccination. This includes the addition of more pharmacy-led vaccination sites, mobile vaccination clinics and a potential drive-through option which is being explored.
Vaccines offer us a safe path out of this pandemic, and the best way we can reclaim the things we love, see our family and friends again, and return to our normal way of life is to get the jab when our turn comes.
If I can help a resident of Bradwell North with any matter, please do contact me straight away at [email protected] or telephone me on 07824 012721.